Hello there! Please click on their names to go to their profile so you can view them. thanks!
Nata_Shiez ~1
Name: Nata
Age: 10
Country: Brunei Darussalam
Personality:Random, Loveable, Pink-liked, Cute
Birthday: 17th February
Pets: Mikuh Pinkabunnie Munky
Job: Creator
Awards: Golden Member Crush-Requested Owner
Joined: Unknown
Kytten Munny: 1023

Gel31 ~2
Name: gel
Age: 23
Country: Philipines
Personality:Random, Loveable, Optimistic, Cute
Birthday: 31st May 1985
Pets: Krishna Rai Tatin nutnut itin gerlyy Kero Lian
Job: Welcome Comitte
Awards: Welcomer success Pinky Home "house no 1"
Joined: 23rd June 2008.
Kytten Munny: 210

Peace_luver ~3
Country: Philipines
Personality: Luvs cookies, spaghetti, pizza, computer, DS
Birthday: 18th May 1997
Pets: Rein (Gift from owner) Gift-pet (as staff)
Jobs: Club Artist
Awards: Artist success
Joined: 23rd June 2008.
Kytten Munny:300

luv_s4m ~4
Country: Indonesia
Personality: Happy, wacky, fun, loves noodle,steak,phone,computer
Job: Welcome comittee
Pets: Choco
Awards: Welcomer Success
Joined: 27th June 2008.
Kytten Munny: 160
cutie_haruhi ~5
Country: Philipines
Personality: Shy, Loves fried chicken, pink and cute things.
Job: Happy Birthday Success
Birthday: December 22, 1996.
Awards: new member award^^ Happy birthday wisher success
Joined: 28th June 2008.
Kytten Munny: 150

lil.etoile ~6
Country: Philipines
Personality: Shopaholic
Fav food: Baked Spagetti, Chicken
Fav things: Shoes, Bags, Magazines
Birthday: 20th January, 1990.
Awards: new member award^^
Joined: 28th June 2008.
Kytten Munny: 100

kat_rox ~7
Name: Kat
Age: 12
Country: Canada
Personality; Lovable, Nice, organized, sometime if im in a bad mood il get cranky but i keep that for my parents and wants to have fun in life
Job: Club artist
Birthday: November 01
Pets: lola elster
Awards: new member award^^ Artist success Pinky home "House no 2"
Joined: 30th June 08
Kytten Munny: 170

JapaneseJamie ~8
Name: Jamie
Age: 14
Country: United States
Personality: Extremely Shy
Job: Club artist (away for a while)
Birthday: 12th October 1993.
Awards: new member award^^ Artist success
Joined: 30th June 08
Kytten Munny: 200

love_music ~8
Name: Soyoung
Age: 13
Country: S.Korea
Personality: Funny, Lazy, playful
Birthday: 1st may 1995.
Pets: Midnight
Awards: new member award^^
Joined: 1st July 08
Kytten Munny: 110
p.s. if you want to log in to your account *only for members* your username will be your gg-username and your password is also your username. thanks!
hello! want to submit kytten pics? just goto the forum and register, then make a new topic in the kyttens topic, now then you can put the picture in it thanks! ~nata |
Only members can register and log in. sorry! |