Hello! Here is only for workers, okay?
For the welcome comitte-- If there are new members we will tell you the list of new members so you can welcome them. to welcome them just show them this picture, just the picture, no words!

press ctrl+c and to paste just press ctrl+v. do not right click, there are some guards out there:
Club artists-- Either you can make just club cards or clickies, even though your clickie/club card is not nice, your clickie will be at the clickies page/club cards will be sampled or given to the members....
Happy birthday wisher-- You must leave a comment on the other members' profiles when its their birthday, saying: "Happy birthday! Hope you have a nice day for today, Plus the kyttens club has sent you a gift! (After those words, just put in a picture that is lovely or cute, you can either use your graphics or Natashiez's graphics.)"
Thats all! Those are the requirements that you all need to do, if you have failed your job for 3 times, you are fired and you are not going to be a member anymore, oh and after that, no more chances!!! |
hello! want to submit kytten pics? just goto the forum and register, then make a new topic in the kyttens topic, now then you can put the picture in it thanks! ~nata |
Only members can register and log in. sorry! |